Tala Contacts : Tala Customer Care Mobile Number : Tala Loan Contacts

Tala Contacts: Searching for Tala contact number or Tala Loan Contacts? You are on the right page. Find Tala Customer care Contacts below

Tala is a mobile technology company that uses Tala’s smartphone app for unsecured mobile money loans in Kenya and other parts of the world.


How Do I Contact Tala Customer Care – Tala Contacts – Tala Loan Contacts

How Do I Contact Tala Customer Care? This is a question  that many people usually ask.

To get in contact with Tala, you can use Tala Customer care Contacts Below. They have not given  a direct phone number to call.

Tala Customer Care Mobile Number

If you are looking for Tala Customer Care Mobile Number, you can reach them using the details below or through the app that you are using.  They have not given out their contact number

Tala Customer Care Numbers Kenya

Facebook: You can Message them on their facebook page – Tala Kenya – formerly Mkopo Rahisi

SMS: Send Tala a Message to the number 21991 ( Tala customer care telephone number )

Twitter: You can Direct Message them on Tala Twitter handle.

Email: hellokenya@talamobile.com

You can also Contact Tala Customer care Using the Tala App Feature installed in your mobile phone

Tala Contacts Phone Number

Tala has not given out its number publicly. You can contact Tala using the given platforms. Through contacting them you will be able to get customer care line or Tala contact number.

Kenya Customer Service


Philippines Customer Service


Tanzania Customer Service


Mexico Customer Service


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General FAQs

What is Tala mobile?

Tala is a mobile lending app that provides instant access to credit facilities to people living in Mexico, Philippines, India and Kenya. The app provides instant unsecured mobile loans.

How do I contact Tala loans?

You can Contact tala loans through Tala Customer Care Mobile Number, email and social media platforms.

What happens if I fail to pay my Tala loan on time?

If you do not repay within seven days after your due date, you will be charged a fee of 8% on your remaining balance and you are given 14 extra days to repay your loan.


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