Research Proposal Topics in Education: Education is a very wide topic and it is constantly evolving year in and year out. If you are looking for the right research proposal title examples in education, you have come to the right page
Education Proposal Ideas depend on several issues including emerging issues, sociology, and psychology discoveries among other discoveries in the education field. There are a lot of topics for your research proposal on education that you can look at.
Below you will find a sample topic for a research proposal in education
Research Proposal Topics in Education
1. The Newest trends of psychology that should teachers use to improve the class performance.
2. Effects of violent movies on Learner’s Behavior
3. Impact of good teacher-student relationship on the Learning process
4. The role of psychology in education
5. Effects of introducing fun and play teaching techniques in the pre-school education
6. The role of the Private sector in developing qualified graduates
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7. Role of good sex education in promoting sexual morality in the community
8. Boarding schools and how they affect the performance level of students
9. How the education process is made effective by the good collaboration between teacher’s and students
10. The relationship between discipline and academic performance.
11. Factors that have led to increased dropout rates from high schools and colleges
12. The future of eLearning in promoting learning opportunities.
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13. Role of teacher’s performance appraisal in promoting quality education
14. Understanding coach education.
15. The ways to talk about sexual education without making anyone uncomfortable.
16. The ways students should be taught about their health.
17. The effects of commuting to school on a student’s academic performance.
18. The effect of family income on grade point averages for UCLA students.
19. The best ways to benefit from a course you don’t like.
20. The amount of time students spend on commuting and its impact on perfomance
21. The impact of drug abuse on a students college drop out rate.
22. Relatedness of work on the graduation rate.
23. Promoting parent volunteering in elementary schools.
24. Perks of Early Literacy
25. Job-embedded Learning: How Teachers Learn from One Another During the Workday
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Sample Research Proposal on Education Topics
1. Issues in early childhood assessments.
2. The role of government in providing quality education
3. The relationship between college education and the employability level of an individual
4. Impact of online education on literacy level in the society
5. How can teachers raise their students’ self-esteem and what are the reasons to do so?
6. How can teachers help their students overcome the psychological pressure in class?
7. How can teachers ‘protect’ their students from procrastinating?
8. Financial aid and its affect on grade point averages.
9. Factors that affect the grade a student receives in a class.
10. Factors affecting freshman admissions to UCLA.
11. Educational process depend on students and teachers? How can both parties make it more effective
12. Effect of a family income on a student’s S.A.T. score.
13. Educating infants and toddlers with learning disabilities.
14. Early education of children from low-income backgrounds
15. Do we still need grades at school? Other ways to monitor and improve students’ performance.
16. Do we have to return to the same-sex classes to improve students’ performance?
17. Do schools need to ban typing lectures?
18. Character development programs in elementary schools.
19. Challenges of curriculum development in elementary schools.
20. Career development programs in elementary schools.
21. Can teachers tell small kids about the negative aspects of life?
22. How teachers’ motivation level can affect the education sector
23. The relation between a country’s school curriculum and economic development.
24. The education policies in the Finland
25. Role of peer influence in learning process of teenager
Topics for Research Proposal in Education
1. Alternative factors to college success.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages to Standardized Testing in the United States
3. Addressing learner diversity in elementary schools.
4. A Review and Analysis of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
5. 21st Century Approaches to Education
6. The ways of estimating student physical activity at school.
7. The studying techniques useful for both students and teachers.
8. The studying techniques that should be banned from school.
9. The impact of family involvement on academic achievements.
10. The effects of bullying on the academic performance of students.
11. Can academic performance be affected by one’s economic background?
12. Impacts of academic dishonesty.
13. Online learning and how it will affect the quality of education.
14. How education improved all the way through history.
15. Theoretical education vs practical education.
16. Different basic education standards in the US
17. Effects of globalization on education
18. Socialization effects on student’s education
19. School dress codes are outdated
20. Digitalization to Improve quality of Education
21. How learners’ attention span affect Education
22. Role of Private Schools in the education sector

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.