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Mwangaza College Nakuru
Mwangaza College Nakuru is a reputable tertiary educational institute in Nakuru Kenya. Mwangaza college is a middle level tertiary institution of the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru and managed by the Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers). The college adheres to the philosophy that education is one of the fundamental ways by which the Church fulfills its commitment to the dignity of the person. A key responsibility is that of providing a positive environment that offers experiences which are both spiritual and academic, theoretical and practical for people to develop their unique talents and leadership potential. Mwangaza seeks to serve the community in presenting a challenging atmosphere towards the attainment of life preparatory through comprehensive training.
Mwangaza draws its uniqueness from the educational philosophy of St. John Baptist De La Salle which echoes the three interlocking dimensions of the Church’s mission: First and foremost education is ministry; one personal commitment to spiritual and vocational formation is a means of living a Christ-centered life. Secondly members of the Mwangaza community come together in an association based on a common acceptance of Gospel values and on a shared desire to foster these values in their lives of those they touch. Thirdly the experience of community leads to service.
A common vision shared by the Catholic Church and Mwangaza is the importance of religious instruction, vocational training and cultural development of those whom it serves. In the presence of God, Mwangaza strives to create a challenging atmosphere which stresses personal responsibility and mutual respect. The resulting community, with its diversity, proclaims this common vision: the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Mwangaza College
We are the pride of NAKURU Colleges as we offer superior quality graduates who are able to be absorbed into the job market where they render excellent services, others embrace entrepreneurship to create jobs in the economy while the rest of the graduates pursue further studies in both public and private sectors.
Our Mission
To be a world class institution of choice dedicated to excellence in service delivery guided by shared values and principles within an environment conducive to learning, fairness and continuous improvement.
Why Choose Us
The institution is rich in culture and embraces the diversity of culture as we embrace students from different communities and of different religion.The college is registered by the Kenya National Examinations Council; KNEC Center Code 511102, and also accredited by KASNEB where we are their preferred center for Accounting courses which include ATD, DICT, CS, CIFA and CPA curriculum. With the introduction of the TIVET Programmes of studies in tertiary institutions by the Ministry of Higher Learning the college IN 2013, we embraced the implementation of these courses which commenced in January 2014. The course for Trade specialization under the TIVET programmes are: Secretarial studies, Sales and Marketing, Business Administrator and Human Resource Management. The details of these course are fully given in our brochure. We also run part-time lesson for those who want to learn with us in various subjects whereas the block-release revision programme is administered for our students who have been registered to take the July series which is examined by Kenya National Examinations Council KNEC. The exercise commences on the second week of June and goes up to the time they take the examine in mid-July. The exercise is open to outsiders who may be interested to partake the course.
The academic programme is of two semesters;
Full time: January to June and July to December
Part time: short courses commence at 3:30p.m – 5:30p.m (Monday – Friday)
Part time Full Courses: commences at 5:30pm – 7:30 p.m (Monday – Friday)
Courses Offered at Mwangaza College Nakuru
Take a look at the courses offered at Mwangaza College Nakuru and find one that meets your needs.
Find Mwangaza College Nakuru courses offered:-
Mwangaza College believes in the continous growth of the human intellectual quotient hence we embrace enhanced courses that will assist our students to be entrepreneurs, teamplayers in the job market and researchers to broaden the scope of projects in the community. Our team is a combination of seasoned and budding researchers who are currently enhancing their careers in the broad sectors of Research, Community Project Management, Theology and Information Technology. It is in these perspective that we offer different courses in faculties of our educational curriculum.
They include:
Fashion & Beauty
Fashion & Beauty Department offers professional training in Hair, Modeling and quality training in the fashion industry.
Food & Beverage
This course offers skills on production, cashier profession, storekeeping, food and beverage control..
Business & Accounting
Accounting Department offers quality accounting courses which include ATD & CPA curriculums examined by KASNEB..
Education Department fosters conducive environment for learning & research in education courses.
Mwangaza College is privileged to offer business related courses in the Business and Accounting department. We offer this curriculum in guidelines and supervision of our examiner KASNEB whom the college is an accredited centre. We offer the following courses:
Accounting Courses:
This department offers ATD, CIFA, CPA & CS curriculum examined by KASNEB examination body for students that are interested in pursuing the Finance & Business related careers.
Business Courses:
This department comprises in offering diploma in business management, diploma in sales and marketing, diploma in human resource management, diploma in supply chain management and secretariat studies.
This department offers computer related courses for students depending on their focus within the Applied Technology, the graduates who have completed this program are able to serve in the financial sector, IT business, industry education. They are also ready to continue undergraduate studies in areas of Computer Science, Knowledge Management, and Information Systems and Technology.
Computer Packages
This certificate course aims at fostering a conducive environment for learning and research through use of appropriate computing technologies in its everyday activities. This packages include Microsoft Office related packages; Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Publisher. The other packages include Adobe Pagemaker and Corel Draw for designers pursuing graphic related careers.
Diploma in Information Technology
The role of this department is to equip its students with Diploma level Expertise and appropriate skills in the field of Information technology and who will be able to serve nationally and internationally as web programmers, software developers, system analyst, network administrators and I.T System support.
This department entails giving students skills on production, service and sale of foods and beverages. It also includes cashier work, storekeeping and food and beverage control. The course is offered in two levels:
Craft Certificate:
This certificate course is offered in two modules which usually take a span of two(2) years
Artisan Certificate:
This certificate course is offered in a span one (1) year.
Fresher Courses:
This entails the follwoing short courses-
* Pastry; Bread & Cake Baking & Decoration!
* Menu & Meal Planning
* Food & Beverage Service
* Store Keeping Service
* Hospitality Service.
This department entails giving student skills on fashion and design, tailoring, hair and beauty courses. This department deals with refinement of sewing standards and procedures aimed at building permanent shapes in garments thus guaranteeing a lot of practical work. The department also deals with Art and Craft that involves; Table Linen(Embroidery), Bags and Bed Spreads. The department trains students on garment design and garment making technology. The course is offered in Craft level examined by KNEC and other trade test exams from NITA (National Industrial Training Authority). The programmes runs for 2 years and Interior design offered on part time. This courses include the following courses:
Fashion and Design
This Diploma course is examined by CITY AND GUILDS examination body. The entry requirement is a passed relevant Artisan course OR Passed Kenya certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with an average Grade of D (plain) OR Equivalent qualification as determined by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC). This certificate course is offered in a span of two (2) years in the following modules
* Module 1 – 1 year and an industrial attachment of 3 months.
* Module 2 – 1 year and an industrial attachment of 3 months.
This course is an initiative of DIRECTORATE OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL TRAINING COUNCIL which examines and offers certificate for this course.
The courses take 1 year for grade 3, 3/2 years for grade 2 and 2 years for grade 1
Hair and Beauty
To add value to the courses we offer, as well as provide career path for trainees, we have created an affiliation with international body of higher learning that is City & Guilds International (U.K). This affiliation is needed for the purposes of International Networking and improved scope of knowledge and experience. We are a City & Guilds International registered Centre which is Government recognized. Beauty Department was established in response to a need for professional training in Hair, Beauty, and Modelling Course. We also felt the need to promote efficient, profitable and quality training in the Beauty industry. The courses we offer vary in terms of duration. Qualifications range from practical Certificates, Diplomas to Advanced Diplomas. The aim of the department is to provide Professional and Quality training to students with a view to improving their employment opportunities thereby producing competent and professionally trained personnel. The courses take 1 year for grade 3, 3/2 years for grade 2 and 2 years for grade 1.
This department entails empowering the tomorrow teachers in the pre school curriculum who are looking for the necessary skills to kick start their career.
We have introduced the faculty of education offering Diploma in Early Childhood Development. This course is offered on both school based and regular classes.
1. Diploma in Accountant Technician Diploma (ATD) (KASNEB)
2. Professional in Certified Public Accountant (CPA) (KASNEB)
3. Professional in Information Comm.Tech(ICTT) (KASNEB)
4. Professional in Certified Information Comm.Tech (ICICT) (KASNEB)
5. Professional in CPS (KASNEB)
6. Craft in Business Management (KNEC)
7. Craft in Secretarial (KNEC)
8. Craft in Food &Beverage (KNEC)
9. Artisan in Food &Beverage (KNEC)
10. Craft in Fashion and Design (KNEC)
11. Trade Test in Hair Dressing &Beauty Therapy (NITA)
12. Trade Test in Tailoring &Dressmaking (NITA)
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Mwangaza College Nakuru Application Form
You can find or Download Mwangaza College Nakuru Admission Forms here
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Mwangaza College Nakuru Admission Requirements
Mwangaza College Nakuru Admission Requirements varies depending on the course you want to apply.
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Mwangaza College Nakuru Fees Structure
The fees structure depends on the course you are undertaking
Mwangaza College Nakuru Contacts
Contacts Us
Mwangaza College
Po Box 4021
20100 Nakuru, Kenya
Phone: +254-725 – 705 527
+254-733 – 238 970

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.