Aina ya Mavazi – Aina ya Nguo: Looking for translation of clothes names from Kiswahili to English? Today we have looked at common clothes name; below you will find the translation of words like surupwenye, bulibuli, kidotia, boshori, lapa, kanchiri, kizibau etc
Aina ya Mavazi
Kiswahili English
ovaroli / bwelasuti /surupwenye Overall
barghashia / bulibuli Embroidered Islamic hat
Kidotia Babies cap
Boshori Babies mavin that covers the head expect the face
Patipati/ lapa/malapa slippers
shati / mashati shirt / shirts
soksi / soksi sock / socks
suti / suti suit / suits
kabuti / makabuti long coat / long coats
tai / tai tie / ties
miwani glasses
shuka / shuka bed sheet / bed sheets
kikoi / vikoi loin cloth / loin cloths
kiatu / viatu shoe / shoes
kichana / vichana comb / combs
kilemba / vilemba urban / turbans
koti la kuogea bathrobe
koti la mvua raincoat
sketi / sketi skirt / skirts
shumizi / shumizi slip / slips
kizibau / vizibau /vesti vest
jinsi; jini
utandio Scarf
glovu Gloves
buti boot
shali / shali Shawl
kofia / kofia cap(s)/hat(s)
rinda / marinda dress / dresses
kamisi / kamisi long petticoat / long petticoats
gaguro / gaguro short petticoat / short petticoats
chupi / chupi / kocho underpants
suruali / suruali pants / pants
suruali ndefu long pants; trousers
kaptula / suruali fupi short pants; shorts
sidiria / sidiria /kanchiri brassiere / brassieres
koti / makoti coat / coats; jacket / jackets; blazer / blazers
fulana / tisheti T-shirt / T-shirts
sweta / sweta sweater / sweaters
kanga cotton cloth with four borders
kitenge / vitenge printed cloth / printed cloths
mshipi / mishipi belt / belts
blauzi / blauzi blouse / blouses

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.