- Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences
- Courses Offered at Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences
- Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Admission Requirements
- Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Application Form
- Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Fees Structure
- Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Contacts
Looking for Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Courses, Fees Structure, Admission Requirements, Application Form, Contacts. Find more details on Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences below
Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences
Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences formerly Tenwek School of Nursing has been training qualified nurses since 1987. In 1999 it graduated its first class of Registered Community Health Nurses (KRCHN).
The school has a well-earned reputation as one of the best nursing schools in the country, and its graduates are the principal source of quality nurses for Tenwek.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Tenwek School of Nursing is to inspire student nurses to become servant leaders by modeling excellence in compassionate nursing while empowering them to go and do likewise.
Our program:
Tenwek School of Nursing has a 3 ½ year training programme for student nurses. Graduates earn a diploma in nursing, having qualified as midwives, general and community health nurses.
Courses Offered at Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences
Take a look at the courses offered at Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences and find one that meets your needs.
Find Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences courses offered:-
1. Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (NCK).
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Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Admission Requirements
Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Admission Requirements varies depending on the course you want to apply.
Applications for admission to the nursing programme are accepted year round and are continuously being processed. An application can be requested from the Nursing School office or downloaded here.
Short-listing takes place annually, and considering both academic ability and spiritual maturity, a group of applicants is chosen to be interviewed
Academic Requirements:
KCSE Aggregate of C plain or higher
Mandatory Subjects
C plain or higher in English or Kiswahili
C plain or higher in Biology or Biological Science
C- minus or higher in any of the following: Mathematics, Physical science, Physics, Chemistry
Other Requirements:
Applicants must be committed Christians.
Applicants must be Kenyan citizens
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Application Form
You can find or Download Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Admission Forms on the college website
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Fees Structure
Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Fees Structure.
The fees structure depends on the course that you are undertaking at the time of application.
Find Fees Structure on the college website
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences Contacts
Contact information:
Mail address:
P.O. Box 39 – 20400,
Bomet, Kenya.
Phone: +254-727-033-725

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.