Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has unveiled the new set books to be used in Kenya Secondary school from 2018. The unveiled set books include:
Set books to be used in Kenya Secondary school from 2018
1. Blossoms of the savannah
The new compulsory English set book is ‘BLOSSOMS OF THE SAVANNAH’ which is written by Henry Ole Kulet.
Blossoms of the savannah is an interesting book that Kenyan students will enjoy. The books presents an a story of two sisters Taiyo and Resian who are on the verge of adulthood and are torn between their personal goals and the demeaning duty of the Nasila tradition. Moving to their rural home creates a cultural isolation that makes them refuse to submit to FGM- female genital mutilation and early marriages. Blossoms of the savannah will be replacing The River and the source by Margaret Ogola
A Doll’s House is the new play the Kenyan secondary will be reading for the next five years. A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen is the new play book, replacing ‘Caucasian Chalk Circle’ by Bertolt Brencht. The play will present the Kenya students to a theme of the sacrificial role of women, their parental and family obligations. The Play presents a major conflict between Nora Helmer (the play’s major character) and Krogstad who intimidates her by threatening to tell her husband about her previous crime. This intimidation provokes Nora’s path to self-discovery as she manages to deal with her husband negative attitudes
3. THE PEARL by John Steinbeck,
MEMORIES WE LOST’ by Chris Wanjala,
INHERITANCE by David Mulwa
The above three books will be the optional books where by students have to choose only one from the three.
The new Kiswahili set books will include the following
‘Chozi la Heri’ is written by by Assumpta K. Matei and it will replace ‘Kidagaa Kimemwozoea’, as a obligatory book for the next four years.
5. ‘KIGOGO’ by Pauline Kea is the new play to be used in the Kenyan secondary school from 2018.
6. ‘TUMBO LISILOSHIBA NA HADITHI NYINGINE’ written by Alifa Chokocho and Dumu Kayanda, is the new compulsory Kiswahili short stories.
New set books to be used in Kenya Secondary school from 2018 present a good opportunity for the students to learn more about the issues surrounding the society. Some of those Issues include Female Genital Mutilation, corruption, African culture etc.

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.