Madaraka Day Quotes

Madaraka Day Quotes: As Kenyans across the nation celebrate Madaraka day, we have compiled some of the best quotes to remember what our previous leaders and founding fathers had to say about independence. These quotes are inspirational and can help you come up with the best Madaraka day caption.

Madaraka Day Quotes

Madaraka Day Quotes by Uhuru Kenyatta

1. “History has laws that show us the future. And on this day we should imagine how the original blueprint of the nation was.” Uhuru Kenyatta

2. “Although many of our freedom fighters died without breathing in freedom, their courage led to freedom that many more lived to enjoy.” Uhuru Kenyatta

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Madaraka Day Quotes by Uhuru Kenyatta


3. “United people can achieve a lot, united Kenyans managed to defeat a giant colonizer.” Uhuru Kenyatta

4. “Even in the dark don’t questions the dreams you dreamed in the light.” Uhuru Kenyatta

5. “When we hit rock bottom, we shouldn’t give up on our dreams but try again and re-imagine them.” Uhuru Kenyatta

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Madaraka Day Quotes by Jomo Kenyatta

1. “The seed of freedom will only take root if our mind is set on the right things.” Jomo Kenyatta

2. “We must not focus on what has been done, but focus on what remains to be done.” Jomo Kenyatta

3. ” If hope will sustain you through the fire, faith is greater because it enables you to leap over the fire.” Jomo Kenyatta

Madaraka Day Quotes by Jomo Kenyatta

4. “This is an occasion on which we must give our thanks to God for guiding us along the path of peace and progress.”  Mzee Jomo Kenyatta

5. “The freedom and independence of our nation is not a gift that was handed to us on a silver platter. It was won through struggle and sacrifice, and it is our duty to safeguard it for future generations.” Jomo Kenyatta

6. “The time has come for us to reclaim our rightful place in the world, to take our place among the nations of the earth, as a proud and independent people.” Jomo Kenyatta

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Madaraka Day Quotes by Tom Mboya

1. ” Great things are made of a series of small things.” Tom Mboya

2. ” Making of a nation is the work of many small events and transitions, many small failures and successes” Tom Mboya

3. “A constitution cannot be useful to a country if it ends to itself. A good constitution must be responsive to the aspirations of a nation and be a means to a better end.” Tom Mboya

Madaraka Day Quotes by Tom Mboya

Madaraka Day Quotes by Jaramogi Odinga

1. “Independence was not complete until the economy is in the hands of Africans.” Jaramogi Odinga

2 ” Without truth there can be no justice; and without justice no freedom and without freedom, no development.” Jaramogi Odinga

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Other Madaraka Day Quotes

1. “Madaraka day is a day when our founding fathers achieved the right for Kenyans to self-govern.”

2. “The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.”.

3. “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”

4. “Excess of liberty, whether it lies in state or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery.”

5. “Nationalism is not just about flags, anthems, and slogans; it is about building a just society, one that is fair to everyone, regardless of their background.”

6. “Our children are the rock on which our future will be built, our greatest asset as a nation. They will be the leaders of our country, the creators of our national wealth, those who care for and protect our people.”

7. “We have the land, we have the people, and we have the resources. We must find the will and the way to develop our nation and build a better future for our children.”

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Conclusion: Madaraka Day Quotes

The above quotes should remind Kenyans that fellow citizens went through to attain independence. The freedom enjoyed today is as result of someone’s struggle and sacrifice so it should be guarded with all respect. As you enjoy this year’s Madaraka day, take time and share these Madaraka day quotes with friends and loved ones.