Good Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students: Are you finding it hard to a good persuasive speech topic? Are you a college student looking for interesting persuasive speech topics or interesting persuasive essay topics?
Choosing the right topic for a persuasive speech is sometimes not an easy thing. We know sometimes it can be difficult finding an interesting persuasive topic.
If you are in that situation, don’t worry as we have created good persuasive speech topics for college students, teachers, or anyone doing public speaking.
In most cases, it is good to pick a topic that you are interested in as opposed to picking a random topic that you have no idea of.
Persuasive Speech Ideas for College Students
Students who are responsible for cyberbullying should be expelled from school
Why elementary and high school students should not be allowed to use cell phones at school?
Why do the students get insufficient financial assistance?
Why is adopting a kitten better than buying one?
Do you think students should be allowed to listen to music during study hall?
Adopting pets is the best choice.
At what age should people be allowed to drive?
Can we justify a student who listens to music in class?
Do some pets pose a danger to the community?
Do students have to ask for permission to go to the restroom?
Why is music education essential?
Why sports cars are dangerous.
Why we should not adopt forest animals?
Why is homework necessary?
Do we need more scholarships for minority groups?
Are Pitbulls a vicious breed?
Are all training programs for adults adequate?
Art and music programs in public schools are an essential part of education.
Does it make studying in a study hall less effective when you listen to music?
Does standardized testing truly contribute to equal opportunities?
Does the school year have enough time to fit all the curriculum?
Drivers should have to take three courses before getting a license.
How do puppy mills affect us?
How effective and safe are booster seats for kids?
Is it a good idea to add a handwriting class to the curriculum?
Is it a good idea to breed pets for sale?
Is it a good idea to complement the curriculum with obligatory life skill classes?
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Easy Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students
Driving tests should be free.
From which grade should study hall be introduced?
Hands-free cell phone use in cars should be promoted.
How having a cat benefits you?
How many foreign languages should be taught to a student?
Why is it better to neuter your pet?
Why is it important to safeguard dolphin populations?
How many languages should an average student learn?
How should children be prepared for school before they start it?
Is it better to adopt a pet from an animal nursery or to buy one at a pet store?
Is it effective to force underperforming students to repeat the class?
Is security at schools sufficient?
Is the curriculum overloaded?
Is the implementation of new technologies at schools sufficient?
Is the PARCC test adequate and/or necessary?
Is the school buffet menu sufficient?
Pros and cons of allowing school students to use their phones in school territory.
Schools should have the right to search students’ personal property (backpacks, lockers, pockets) to fight drugs in schools.
Should the college be concerned about their students’ employment upon graduation?
Should students who are on school sports teams be free from the gym class?
Should students have to be on the honor roll to play sports?
Should students be allowed to leave campus for the lunch break?
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Should anime be studied at schools?
Should battery farming still be legal?
How having a pet affects a child?
Should private education institutions be forced to offer scholarships of their own?
Should only honor roll students be allowed into school sports teams?
The benefits of having pets.
The benefits of home education
Should more students be encouraged to choose Chinese as the foreign language to study?
Should the public first learn how to drive a manual transmission before obtaining their license?
Education Persuasive Speech Ideas
How do we benefit from accelerated learning?
If one should use the phone while driving, should one at least call hands-free?
If SAT scores don’t influence the chance of being enrolled in college, then why do they exist?
Is battery farming ethical?
How having a pet makes our lives better?
How important is it to support education in other countries and why?
Should college admission officers run obligatory psychological tests on all applicants to evaluate them?
Should college fraternities and sororities be expanded into high school?
Should commercial advertisement at schools be allowed?
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Is it necessary to add home economics to the compulsory curriculum?
Is it outdated to count the given and received amounts of education in hours at class?
Is it really necessary for every student to learn a foreign language in the USA?
Should creationism be taught in biology classes alongside evolution theory?
Should everyone try and go to college?
Should free college tuition be offered to poor children?
Should it be made illegal to drop students out?
Why you should buy a Japanese car.
Would it be better if high school students completed community service hours to graduate?
Should higher education be made available to all the population?
Would it make sense to start school an hour or two later in the morning?
Should community service become an obligatory part of the high school curriculum?
Should computer science be made a compulsory discipline?
Is it justified to charge people money for passing driving tests?
Is it justified to let gym grades affect the GPA?
Is it justified to offer free higher education to all applicants from financially challenged backgrounds?
Is it justified to shut down schools that underperform on test scores?
How come some animals face the threat of extinction and what should we do about it?
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Persuasive Speech Topics College
Should the students’ financial backgrounds influence the amount of financial aid that they earn by studying hard?
Should there be a certain age before and after which one could not work as a teacher?
Should there be quotas for minorities when it comes to college admission?
Should young children use booster seats in vehicles?
Teachers should have to pass a test of basic skills every decade to renew their certifications.
The amazing advantages of having your horse
The danger of texting and driving.
The importance of studying Spanish at schools
The pros and cons of private schools as opposed to public schools
The ways to confront and prevent various kinds of violence at schools
Watch out for animals when driving.
What makes a dog a perfect pet?
What makes cars made in Japan stand out?
Should state schools be run only for taxpayers’ money?
Should soda and sweets be present in vending machines and on the menu at buffets in schools?
Should schools owe (and provide) the housing for their teachers and other employees?
Should school field trips be restricted to our country?
What makes texting while driving unsafe?
Why a study hall is equal if not better than a traditional class today?
Why cats make the perfect pet.
Why is it necessary to test and re-certify school workers for their pedagogical skills regularly?
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Unique Speech Topics for College Students
Why are some social groups deprived of proper education and why does it need to be fixed?
Why do boys and girls mostly share classrooms these days and how this rule holds up?
What courses should one take before one can get a driver’s license?
What does it take to make high school education for one student possible?
Would it be better to introduce a set of skills tests for students, before they graduate high school?
Should high schools be put in charge of the college admission exams?
Why one should not drive sports cars in everyday life?
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Why police should not chase a car.
Why should art classes be enforced in all public schools?
Why should students be encouraged to take part in international exchange programs?
Is education in prisons working?
How can one benefit from having a snake as a pet?
How can schools attract extra funding?
Should a dog that has bitten somebody be executed?
How effective is it when the police chase cars?
Is education overpriced?
Is factory farming too cruel to be legal?
Should familiarity with manual transmission be obligatory for getting a driver’s license?
Should the owner get rid of a pet that has harmed someone else?
Should the Oxford comma be made optional?
How should students caught cyberbullying be prevented or persecuted?
How to optimize the street traffic to ensure the safety of bicycle drivers?
Is it a good idea to take a year off from studying?
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Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.