- Bukura Agricultural College
- Bukura Agricultural College Courses
- Bukura Agricultural College Admission Requirement
- Bukura Agricultural College intake 2022-2023
- Bukura Agricultural College Application Form
- Bukura Agricultural College Fees Structure
- Bukura Agricultural College location
- Bukura Agricultural College Contacts
Bukura Agricultural College Courses, Fees Structure, Admission Requirements, Application Form, and Contacts. Find more details on Bukura Agricultural College below
Bukura Agricultural College
Bukura Agricultural College is a State Corporation established by an Act of Parliament to provide middle level training in agriculture and related fields.
The College started in 1974 as an Institute of Agriculture with 73 students following the recommendations of the Weir Commission of 1967 on Agricultural Education in Western Kenya. The Institute was later upgraded to a Diploma College in 1992. From 1992-2007 the College focused on in-service training targeting staff mainly from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. In 2007 the College opened its doors to secondary school leavers in response to the declining number of in-service trainees.
Bukura Agricultural College has been actively engaged in the training of frontline agricultural extension agents for both the public and the private sector in the 47 Counties. To date, the College has trained more than 6000 graduates. Furthermore, the College conducts outreach extension programs targeting farming communities within its neighborhood. Through extension programs farmers are taught modern methods of farming for improved agricultural productivity.
Find the: Top 10 Best Colleges in Kenya
The Bukura Agricultural College Act of 1999 mandates the College to:
Provide directly or in collaboration with other institutions of higher learning facilities for education in Agriculture and other auxiliary subjects through the integration of teaching, research and effective application of extension services;
Participate in the discovery, transmission and preservation of knowledge in agriculture and other related fields;
Conduct examinations for and grant diplomas and such academic awards as provided for in the statutes; and
Co-operate with the government in the planned development of Agricultural Education.
Core Functions/ Values
In pursuit of its Mission and Vision and to perform its core functions, the College is guided by the following values, which define it culture:
• Professionalism;
• Accountability;
• Efficiency and Responsiveness;
• Diversity;
• Innovation; and
• Commitment
Core Functions
The core functions of the college are to:
• Provide middle level training in agriculture and related fields;
• Conduct research; and
• Carry out Outreach and Extension Services.
To Provide Quality Agricultural Education through Training, Innovations and Extension Services for Improved Agricultural Productivity and Livelihoods.
The Training Institution of choice in practical Agricultural Sciences.
Training and Innovations for Improved Livelihoods.
See Also: Nairobi Technical Training Institute
Bukura Agricultural College Courses
Take a look at the courses offered at Bukura Agricultural College and find one that meets your needs.
Diploma courses
Diploma in agribusiness management and marketing (agribusiness management and marketing)
Diploma in irrigation and drainage (irrigation technology)
Diploma in agricultural education (agricultural education)
Diploma in animal health and production (animal health and production)
Diploma in horticulture (horticulture)
Diploma in applied biology (applied biology)
Diploma in animal health management (animal health management)
Diploma in agriculture (agriculture)
Diploma in agricultural education and extension (agricultural education and extension)
Diploma in agriculture and biotechnology (agriculture and biotechnology)
Diploma in food science and nutrition
Certificate courses
Certificate in computer applications (computer applications)
Certificate in information communication technology (ICT)
Certificate in agriculture (agriculture)
Certificate in agriculture and community development.
Short courses
Computer packages
Statistical data analysis (SPSS)
Bukura Agricultural College Admission Requirement
To get an admission at these college below are the requirements
Diploma Courses Admission requirement/Entry Requirements
1. Diploma in Agricultural Education and Extension (Two and Half Year Programme)
K.C.S.E mean grade of C+ (Plus) or its equivalent with C+ (Plus) in Biology/Biological Sciences and Agriculture, D+ (Plus) in Mathematics and C in English/Kiswahili.
NB: MUST have done Agriculture and Biology at KCSE. Level.
For Other Diploma Program requirements (Two year programmes) in:-
ii. Agriculture and Biotechnology.
iii. Animal Production and Health Management.
iv. Agricultural Extension and Community Development.
v. Agribusiness Management and Marketing.
vi. Agricultural Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
vii. Horticulture.
viii. Agriculture,Human Ecology and Consumer Science
K.C.S.E mean grade of C (Plain) or its equivalent with C (Plain) in Biology/ Agriculture/Geography, C- (Minus) in English / Kiswahili, D (Plain) in Mathematics and D+ in Chemistry/Physics/Physical Science.
Certificate in Agriculture or related field from a recognized institution that is not less than one year.
Certificate Courses Admission requirement/Entry Requirements
One Year Certificate Course in:-
1. Agriculture and Community Development.
K.C.S.E mean grade D+ (Plus) or its equivalent with C- (Minus) in Biology/ Agriculture/Geography/Home Science/Business Studies, D+ (Plus) in English or Kiswahili, D (Plain) in Chemistry / Physical Sciences / Physics and D- (Minus) in Mathematics.
Bukura Agricultural College intake 2022-2023
Intake in this college is done in January, May or September. The admission letters for 2022/2023 have already been released and the January intake classes are on going
For 2023/2024 intake one can apply through Kenya Universities and College Central Placement Services (KUCCPS) or through the Bukura Agricultural College website. Your admission letter will be downloaded for KUCCPS student Portal or Bukura Agricultural College student portal
Bukura Agricultural College Application Form
To apply for a course at Bukura Agricultural College you actually don’t need an application form.
Follow the few steps below:
Choose the program that you want to start and make sure you meet the program admission requirement.
Select “Apply” at the top of this web page or at the bottom of that section”
Fill in the vital information in each step of the application
Finish the application process and submit your application.
Once your application is submitted, you will get an email from the college indicating your application ID.
Pay the specified application fee depending on the program
To know if you received an admission letter, keep track of your application status through the student portal. Ensure you login in with the Application ID and Password sent to your email.
KUCCPS Application
Ensure to apply when KUCCPS has opened the chance to do so
Bukura Agricultural College Fees Structure
The fees structure depends on the course that you are undertaking at the time of application.
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Bukura Agricultural College location
The college is located along Sigalagala Butere Rd in Lurambi sub-county, Kakamega County, approximately 400 kilometers from Nairobi.
Bukura Agricultural College Contacts
For More Details, Contact:-
Admissions Office
Bukura Agricultural College
P.O BOX 23 -50105 Bukura
Landline Tel. 020-3505479
Fax : 020 – 2349265

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.