MBA Kenya: Masters in Business Administration has become one of the most common post-graduate courses in Kenya. So what are the Advantages of having an MBA in Kenya?
MBA Kenya
Advantages of having an MBA in Kenya
The thoroughness of most business schools is to ensure that graduates are able to manage high-pressure working environments in the business world. Business schools play a vital role in contributing to economic development. Below at importance of advantages of having an MBA
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Develop Business Managers
Many C.E.Os have post-graduate training in business courses both from the local or abroad universities. The training enables managers to develop skills that are able to drive the business in the 21st century. With adequate training managers are able to withstand the high demand of big organizations and eventually more jobs are created, more income through taxation, and increased investment.
Building Entrepreneurs
Although the spirit of entrepreneurship can be inborn or comes out of the dire need to be independent, many entrepreneurs are born in business schools. This is because students are able to identify their passion or are able to identify a market niche that they can fill. Recently these business schools are starting business hubs, a place where students are encouraged to present their business ideas and the ones which are viable they are trained and given the necessary funds for a start-up.
Innovation and Creativity
Business school should be an innovation hub for developing new business ideas. They should encourage idea creation in respective to the needs in the society. For example, they should develop improved ways of trading in the stock exchange, innovative banking and insurance, better trade terms, and many other business-related activities that play a key role in the economy.
Promote Exchange Programs
To be able to sustain development in our country it’s necessary students in our schools get exposure to how things are done in the developed world. It is in this regard that colleges and universities should encourage exchange programs that will help the local students have an interaction with corporate staff in major organizations in the world. In return, ideas can be borrowed and eventually more jobs and opportunities can be created.
Promote Business Virtues
Kenya is well known for massive corruption that has led to unnecessary expenditure of tax payer’s money. While developing entrepreneurs and business managers there should be a lot of emphasis on important virtues that promote a healthy business environment. It should become vivid to the mind of every student the effect of corruption and other vices.
Every sector in the economy is important, but for improved development, proper business skills should be developed in all aspects. To achieve these colleges that develop the human resource should help in developing the best minds that can drive our economy to greater heights.
Best MBA specialization in Kenya
MBA in Strategic Management
MBA in Finance
MBA in Project Management
MBA Human Resources Management
MBA in Entrepreneurship Management
MBA in Marketing Management
MBA Management Information Systems
MBA Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.