Extra County Schools in Bungoma County: In Bungoma County, you will find many good schools. Below list is a of extra schools that are funded and managed by the government. These public schools were previously referred to as provincial schools and others were on the list of district schools. The schools are either in clusters 1,2 or 3.
Extra County Schools in Bungoma County
Centre Code Name of School Type
36602101 Bungoma High School Boys
36602102 Kibabii High School Boys
36602103 Cardinal Otunga Girls Girls
36605101 Kapsokwony High Boys
36605103 Kibuk Girls Girls
36612201 Teremi Boys High School Boys
36612203 Chebukaka Girls Girls
36613105 St.Cecilia Girls Misikhu Girls
36613115 Ndivisi Girls Girls
36621101 Chesamisi Boys’ High School Boys
36621102 Kamusinde Boys’ High School Boys
36621108 Moi Girls’ High Kamusinga Girls
36621110 St. Luke’s Boys’ High Kimilili Boys
36626101 Chwele Girls Girls
36626205 A C Butonge High Sch Boys
36628101 Khasoko High School Boys
36635002 Friends School Bokoli Boys
36635006 Namawanga Girls Girls
Find: List of All Extra County Schools in Kenya
Best Secondary School in Bungoma County
Friends School Kamusinga Boys
Lugulu Girls
Cardinal Otunga Girls
Kibabii High School
Moi Girls’ High Kamusinga
Find: County Secondary Schools in Bungoma County

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.